Friday 21 October 2016

Friday 14 October 2016

Court declines to order release of Ksh 5b to ODM

The High Court has declined to issue orders compelling the Registrar of Political Parties to release over 5 billion shillings to ODM, but instead directed the parties to serve the respondents and appear in court on 25 this month for further directions.
In the case, ODM claims that the respondents’ have acted unprocedurally by failing to consult, inform or give any reasons for not disbursing or distributing all the funds expected to be distributed to the political parties entitled to received funding from the fund.
 In the case that was also certified as urgent, the political party further claims that because of underfunding, the party has been unable to undertake its core mandate and to utilize the funds to which it is entitled by law to achieve its objectives.
 The next General Election is barely a year away and the applicant’s ability to prepare and participate meaningfully and effectively is greatly affected by the lack of funding,” states the petition.
In an affidavit sworn by the Executive Director of the Orange Democratic Movement, Oduor Ong’wen, the court was told that the party had a legitimate expectation that it shall receive all the funds due to it from the fund and to project/forecast its activities based on its legitimate expectations.
Following the results of the last General Election held in 2013, ODM is one of the three parties that are entitled to receive proportionate funding from the Fund having met the criteria established under the Act.
ODM is entitled to receive at least 40% of the funds to be distributed to political parties from the Fund,” argues Ong’wen.
The party now wants the court to compel the Respondents to disburse the sum of 5,109,564,700.53 shillings entitled to it claiming that Since the Fund was established, ODM has not received any amount from the fund.
Jubilee Party, National Alliance Party and United Republican Party have been named as interested parties.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Kalonzo's Secretary General calls Hassan Joho a 'party animal' and 'shisha lover

Mombasa county senator Hassan Omar has sharply criticised his governor Hassan Joho over parties being held in the county.
Omar castigated Joho for holding countless festivals including the just concluded Mombasa Rocks Festival that hosted RnB singer Chris Brown.
"A county is not governed by festivals. You come from a samosa festival to a shisha festival to a mandazi festival to a cultural festival to Redsan to Wizkid," Omar said on Jeff Koinange Live (JKL) show.

HASSAN JOHO, mombasa Governor
Omar claimed Joho's strategy only showed he was all play and no work.
"You have to ultimately not only play but also work and when you work you build a model of citizen engagement where citizens have trust and confidence," he added.
He further pointed out that if he becomes governor he will support local artistes and pay them more as compared o what Joho is doing.
"If you have that kind of money and you are committed to the growth of artists you do not take Ali Kiba and pay him KSh5 Million, you do not take Diamond and pay KSh5 Million and then poo poo our local talent,” he said.
Omar also said Joho's politics is based on wealth and riches instead of benefiting the locals and development.

 hassan omar, senator mombasa county

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Woman whose arms were chopped off is back with a new pair, says this about her hubby

Jackline Mwende who lost her arms in a nasty domestic spat jetted into the country yesterday from Korea. She was flanked on the side by her sister. The juice is that she has a new set of hands
After a successful operation in Seoul, Korea, Jackeline Mwende and her sister have returned home. A home where Mwende lost her two arms a few months ago. 

Initially, tabloids and newsrooms across the country bore the news that Mwende's husband was behind the heinous attack.
It was a domestic violence case- we were told. Another turn and twist of winds bore yet another explanation of the incident that left Mwende with stumps where here forearms used to be.
The lofty claims had it that her clandestine lover had carried out the attack after they fell out.
Long story. The shorter version is that she landed at Jomo Kenyatta International airport with a new set of myoelectric limbs.
So far, she can visit the bathroom by herself, eat and even drink even though it is just two days since the LG-sponsored operation in Korea.  
The arms have a lifespan of 10 years and come with a skin tinge that matches her skin. It is almost impossible to tell them apart from natural limbs.

Mwende also maintained that she saw her husband on the night that she was attacked.  
She contradicted an earlier story that it was her clandestine lover who had attacked her.On the fate of her marriage, she said that she was not looking to be married again  as she was now  in a position to fend for herself.